Anecdotes and short stories by Kristine Best to entertain.

Anecdotes and short stories written by Kristine Best.

Kristine has been called a wordsmith, and, according to her school teachers, she had a flair for writing from as young as nine years of age. She recently discovered some school reports from way back then while sorting through a box of forgotten stuff. During her teens and early twenties, Kristine wrote poetry and had a desire to write songs, although, songwriting didn't happen until much later in her life. 

Kristine is in the process of writing anecdotes and short stories about her life experiences, commencing with some recent  events. There are various reasons why Kristine has diverged from songwriting, albeit a temporary measure. The reasons include:  expressing herself using words, conveying her feelings, sending a message and entertaining others. She is also going to use the anecdotes and short stories to lead into other important topics later on. Hopefully you will enjoy a short read, and perhaps a laugh or two as you live through the story and relate to the scenarios.